Associate Dean for Research
College of Science and Engineering
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Distinguished University Teaching Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota
4-192 Keller Hall
200 Union Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]
Phone: +1 612 625-1831 (Keller Hall)
Fax: +612 625-0572 (Keller Hall)
Phone: +612 624-9371 (Walter Library)
Fax: +612 624-2841 (Walter Library)
Specialty and Research Interests
Recommender Systems |
Social Computing |
Human Computer Interaction |
Ph.D. | 1993 | Computer Science | University of California, Berkeley |
M.S. | 1990 | Computer Science | University of California, Berkeley |
A.B. | 1987 | Computer Science | Harvard College |